Who We Are & What We Do

"Trøndelag" vs "Trønderlag"?
- Trøndelag (without an "r") is the name of a region of Norway.
- People from Trøndelag call themselves "Trønders".
- A lag (in Norwegian) is a club or organization.
- Trønderlag (with an "r"), then, is the name of an organization of Trønders.
Trønderlag of America is one of the many "bygdelags".
In Norway, a bygd - pronounced "big-dh", is a region or district (tied together by common traditions). The word is a variation on the word bygge (to build) or a "built up place".
Like many groups of immigrants, Norwegians from the same area wanted a connection to the "old country" and started attending a convention each year to maintain this link. Attendance could range from the hundreds to the thousands. These groups were called "bygdelags" (organizations of people from the same area with the same interests).
We are part of the Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad (NABF), the national council for the twenty-nine (currently active) affiliated Norwegian-American Bygdelag. NAFB, which acts as the "umbrella" organization over many bygdelags, was founded on November 17, 1916. As such, the Fellesraad has been continuously active in the bygdelag movement for over one hundred years. Their website explains its purpose and lists information about each of the bygdelags. You may find information about your Norwegian heritage in more than one.